To my co-editor, Janessa, who gave birth to a healthy baby girl yesterday! Both mom and baby are doing well. Details and pics in next week’s Rumbles.
To our community of Cardiac Sciences physicians. Saturday May 1st, National Physicians Day was celebrated! I, as I am sure many of the other physicians in the Cardiac Sciences community, were grateful for the notes of appreciation sent to us individually and collectively by both individuals and organizations.
To our Perfusionists. Perfusion Week 2021 is May 2-8, and is a time dedicated to honor the tireless work of our perfusionists. Especially in the COVID era your commitment and your expertise in the support of perioperative blood management, ventricular assistance, and advanced uses of extracorporeal circulation is so much appreciated.

Sals Stars of the Week: Kyla Siatecki! Introduced by Rosanne Labossiere-Gee.

This week, I’d like to highlight one of our Heart Failure (HF) Clinic NP’s – Kyla Siatecki for the Sal’s Star of the week! Kyla works in the clinic and has displayed many layers of flexibility in the last few months. She was partially reassigned to CR4 to help the unit during the second phase of the pandemic, while still seeing patients part time in the clinic and working long hours to maintain patient care. Kyla has returned full time to the clinics now, is involved with the HF Network, planning a conference for CCCN MB on June 7, and has recently participated as an “Ask the Expert on HF” for March with CCCN National. She has agreed to take on not one but two NP students this summer in order to facilitate their learning with cardiac patients, and has started to plan their schedules already. Kyla is also busy with presentations for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and for the Heart Life Foundation, amongst other presentations she has already completed. Kyla is passionate about improving care for Cardiac patients, and exemplifies engagement and collaboration in care.
Heart Failure Awareness Week in Canada is May 3rd – 9th 2021. This year the Hon Heather Stefanson, Minister of Health and Seniors Care, has declared May 3rd – 9th as Heart Failure Awareness Week in Manitoba. There will be a series of online webinars which are listed on the Canadian Heart Failure website Everyone is welcome to attend.