INR Clinic

The INR Clinic, located in the Asper Institute at St. Boniface Hospital, is one of the Cardiac Clinics in the CR1 Nurse Practitioner Clinic and is a part of the Cardiac Surgery Discharge Clinic.

Sometimes patients require a specific blood thinner after their cardiac surgery. This medication is called Warfarin or Coumadin and has to be closely monitored by checking blood levels called INRs. Based on the INR result, the dose of Warfarin is adjusted, which requires frequent appointments in this clinic.

The clinic is staffed by Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners who specialize in the management of patients on Warfarin.

Often the initial appointment will be an in-person appointment, followed by phone calls from the clinic as the Warfarin adjustments are needed.


Contact Information:

Address: CR1 – 369 Taché Ave, Winnipeg, MB, R2H 2A6
Front Desk: (204) 258-1258
INR Office: (204) 258-1859